Download OpenAPI specification:Download
API definitions for asset management capabilities in AEM Assets. To configure a client to access to these APIs, visit the Adobe Developer Console and add the "AEM Assets Author API" card to your project.
Deletes an existing asset from the system. In most cases, a 204 response will be returned immediately, but in some cases, a 202 will be returned if the operation may take a long time to complete. This most commonly occurs when an asset has a large number of references to update, but can occur for other reasons as well.
No Content
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
{- "jobId": "85f7c90a-a252-4e82-8cf3-3c989829cdf9",
- "state": "PROCESSING"
Retrieves the current status of a job created by the API.
Status of a job being processed
The job has finished executing and results are available at the indicated location.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
{- "jobId": "85f7c90a-a252-4e82-8cf3-3c989829cdf9",
- "state": "PROCESSING"
Event triggered when an asset has completed processing in AEM. This is often used in place of an 'asset created' event for use cases that trigger from asset creation for two reasons - many extensions require some amount of asset metadata, which is extracted during asset processing and acting upon an asset that is in processing has a high chance of running into conflicts and contention issues.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset processing completed event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.processing_completed",
- "source": "",
- "id": "7c1104e5-4cd7-47d6-a50f-2568c480f2e9",
- "time": "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "myProp": "myValue",
- "value": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "city",
- "confidence": 0.8512217998504639,
- "localeCode": "en-US"
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-22T23:26:09.036Z"
An event that is triggered when an asset is deleted from AEM through the Assets View UI or the Assets Open API. It is not triggered when the asset is deleted with the AEM Touch UI or other AEM APIs.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset deleted event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.deleted",
- "source": "",
- "id": "4fd1cdd8-0898-4d60-90ad-3d442517d3cb",
- "time": "2021-05-20T20:00:00.000Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "user": {
- "imsUserId": "11362B9E62F4CD400A495ECF@09f51d11618ca7b4495ee0.e",
- "principalId": "",
- "displayName": "Test User"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-15T05:03:47.229Z",
- "repo:assetClass": "file"
}, - "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "graphic design",
- "confidence": 0.926
}, - {
- "value": "clipart",
- "confidence": 0.757
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z"
Event triggered when an asset, folder or collection of assets is downloaded from AEM.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset downloaded event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.downloaded",
- "source": "",
- "id": "7c1104e5-4cd7-47d6-a50f-2568c480f2e9",
- "time": "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "myProp": "myValue",
- "user": {
- "imsUserId": "string",
- "principalId": "string",
- "displayName": "string"
}, - "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "graphic design",
- "confidence": 0.926
}, - {
- "value": "clipart",
- "confidence": 0.757
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z",
- "dc:title": "Asset name"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-22T23:26:09.036Z",
- "repo:assetClass": "file"
Event triggered when an asset has had its metadata updated through the Assets View UI or the Assets Open API. It is not triggered when metadata is updated with the AEM Touch UI or other AEM APIs.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset metadata updated event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.metadata_updated",
- "source": "",
- "id": "7c1104e5-4cd7-47d6-a50f-2568c480f2e9",
- "time": "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "myProp": "myValue",
- "user": {
- "imsUserId": "string",
- "principalId": "string",
- "displayName": "string"
}, - "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "addedProp": "addedValue",
- "dc:description": "The updated description.",
- "event:created": [
- "addedProp"
], - "event:updated": {
- "dc:description": "The previous description before the update."
}, - "event:deleted": {
- "removedProp": "removedValue"
}, - "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "city",
- "confidence": 0.8512217998504639
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z",
- "dc:title": "Asset name"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-22T23:26:09.036Z",
- "repo:assetClass": "file"
This event is triggered when an asset is published from an author instance to a publish instance.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset published event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.published",
- "source": "",
- "id": "4fd1cdd8-0898-4d60-90ad-3d442517d3cb",
- "time": "2021-05-20T20:00:00.000Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "user": {
- "imsUserId": "11362B9E62F4CD400A495ECF@09f51d11618ca7b4495ee0.e",
- "principalId": "",
- "displayName": "Test User"
}, - "tier": "publish",
- "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-15T05:03:47.229Z",
- "repo:assetClass": "file"
}, - "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "graphic design",
- "confidence": 0.926
}, - {
- "value": "clipart",
- "confidence": 0.757
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z"
An event that is triggered when an asset is unpublished from an AEM publish instance.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset unpublished event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.unpublished",
- "source": "",
- "id": "4fd1cdd8-0898-4d60-90ad-3d442517d3cb",
- "time": "2021-05-20T20:00:00.000Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "user": {
- "imsUserId": "11362B9E62F4CD400A495ECF@09f51d11618ca7b4495ee0.e",
- "principalId": "",
- "displayName": "Test User"
}, - "tier": "publish",
- "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-15T05:03:47.229Z",
- "repo:assetClass": "file"
}, - "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "graphic design",
- "confidence": 0.926
}, - {
- "value": "clipart",
- "confidence": 0.757
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z"
Returns headers, including an ETag for the specified asset metadata, which can be a lighter method of checking for the existence of, or validating a cached version of an asset's metadata without sending a full GET request.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Asset metadata contains those metadata values that have been extracted from the asset, configured by the user, or derived from the asset during asset processing. Repository metadata contains metadata properties that are set and maintained by the repository during system operations.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Metadata for the specified asset
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
{- "value": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:keywords": [
- {
- "value": "Asset Properties : Orientation / Square",
- "@lang": "ENGLISH",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "properties",
- "orientation",
- "square"
], - "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "city",
- "confidence": 0.8512217998504639,
- "localeCode": "en-US"
], - "dc:creator": [
- "Photo Author"
], - "dc:description": "This is a view of a city skyline reflected in a body of water",
- "dc:title": "City skyline",
- "exif:GPSLatitude": "43,19.11N",
- "exif:GPSLongitude": "11,19.84E",
- "photoshop:ColorMode": 3,
- "photoshop:DateCreated": "2017-10-24T12:28:31.672Z",
- "tiff:BitsPerSample": [
- 8,
- 8,
- 8
], - "tiff:Orientation": 1,
- "xmp:CreateDate": "2016-08-09T00:00:00.000Z",
- "xmp:CreatorTool": "Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Macintosh)",
- "xmp:ModifyDate": "2019-11-21T22:02:22.000Z"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-22T23:26:09.036Z"
The specified properties will be updated per the RFC-6902 syntax. Note that while assetMetadata is editable, repositoryMetadata is not. If both types are supplied in the request, the assetMetadata properties will be updated and a 200 response will be returned with the failed repositoryMetadata properties listed in the response body.
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Patch applied
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Precondition Failed
Precondition Required
[- {
- "op": "test",
- "path": "/dc:title",
- "value": "old value"
}, - {
- "op": "replace",
- "path": "/dc:title",
- "value": "new value"
}, - {
- "op": "copy",
- "from": "/dc:title",
- "path": "/custom:title"
{- "value": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:keywords": [
- {
- "value": "Asset Properties : Orientation / Square",
- "@lang": "ENGLISH",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "properties",
- "orientation",
- "square"
], - "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "city",
- "confidence": 0.8512217998504639,
- "localeCode": "en-US"
], - "dc:creator": [
- "Photo Author"
], - "dc:description": "This is a view of a city skyline reflected in a body of water",
- "dc:title": "City skyline",
- "exif:GPSLatitude": "43,19.11N",
- "exif:GPSLongitude": "11,19.84E",
- "photoshop:ColorMode": 3,
- "photoshop:DateCreated": "2017-10-24T12:28:31.672Z",
- "tiff:BitsPerSample": [
- 8,
- 8,
- 8
], - "tiff:Orientation": 1,
- "xmp:CreateDate": "2016-08-09T00:00:00.000Z",
- "xmp:CreatorTool": "Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Macintosh)",
- "xmp:ModifyDate": "2019-11-21T22:02:22.000Z"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
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